*Important Notice : Guided tours to the Parliament Chamber are suspended until further notice as a preventative measure in response to Covid-19

Hon. Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Joseph F. Harmon, M.S.M.

To provide objective, administrative and technical support to the constitutional
functions of the Parliament of Guyana and the People of Guyana

  • Name :Hon. Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Joseph F. Harmon, M.S.M.
  • Designation :Leader of the Opposition
  • Political Party : A Partnership for National Unity - APNU
  • Date Became Parliamentarian :
  • How to Contact a MP :You may click on the envelope to the left to send a message.
  • Committee Membership :


A former Lt. Col in the Guyana Defence Force and Attorney at Law, Joseph Harmon is Shadow Minister of Public Works with responsibilities for housing; water; energy; electrification; communication; aviation and maritime regulation.

In the Chamber

  • Speeches delivered: (11)
  • Motions Laid:(4)
  • Questions asked: (11)
  • Petitions Made: ()
  • Bills Presented: (2)
  • Contracts Being Undertaken By B.K. International Inc. - answered by
  • Consultancy Services for Engineering Designs and Supervision of Works for the Parika to Goshen Road - answered by
  • National Communications Network Inc. - answered by
  • Excavator (Hymac) On The Wanina Road, North West District - answered by
  • Governments E-Government Project - answered by
  • Leases /Licences/Permits issued in the area of New River Triangle or contiguous areas - answered by
  • Maritime Navigation Lights - answered by
  • 2012 Budget Cuts - answered by
  • All Leases/Licences/Permits Issued for Mining Operations in Regions 7, 8 and 9 of Guyana - answered by
  • Supenaam Ferry Stelling - answered by
  • Full Details of All Forestry Concessions Issued Over the Period 1st November, 2012 to 1st November, 2013 in Regions 7, 8 and 9 Of Guyana - answered by
No petitions found for Hon. Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Joseph F. Harmon, M.S.M.

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Region Represented

Seating Plan