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Chamber Business

If a motion is passed by the Assembly, that Motion becomes a Resolution of the Assembly.  Not all Resolutions have the force of law.  An ordinary Resolution cannot compel the Government to act on a decision made by the National Assembly.  However, a Resolution which affirms or confirms an Order or Regulation, which is made under a specific Act, has the force of law, because that Order or Regulation cannot come into effect until that Resolution is published in the Official Gazette.

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017

Hansard is an official report of the proceedings of the National Assembly including a verbatim record of the speeches made.

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017

A petition is a grievance or complaint submitted by a citizen/individual or by a group of persons for the attention of the Members of the National Assembly and requesting some relief or remedial action by the Assembly. This is one of the opportunities available for citizens to bring matters to the Assembly.

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017

Speaker’s Rulings - are an important part of the case of law of procedures. These usually arise because the view of the Speaker, from time to time, is sought on a point of interruption, or some new matter not otherwise covered.

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017

Notice Papers contain the notices of motions and questions submitted by Members of the National Assembly and which are in order for consideration by the National Assembly.

Notice Papers are numbered in series for a session and also carry the dates of their publication.

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017

This is a proposed law submitted to Parliament for its consideration and approval and it may originate either from the government or from a Private Member from either side of the House.

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017

Sitting is a period during which the Assembly is sitting continuously without adjournment and includes any period during which the Assembly is in committee

Sitting Date : 03 December 2017


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