National Assembly’s Prayer
28 May, 2018
Hello Readers! This week we have decided to share with you the National Assembly’s Prayer which is read by the Clerk at every sitting of the National Assembly.
The Prayer was adopted from the British in the year 1928 when British Guiana became a Crown Colony, and was said by the Bishop of British Guiana in the Legislative Assembly. From 1953, it was said by the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and from 1996 was said by the Clerk of the National Assembly.
When Guyana gained Independence in the year 1966 it was decided that the Prayer should be continued however, given our ethnic and religious diversity, a decision was made that one religion should not be pre-eminent. That decision resulted in the creation of the Prayer which is in use today.
National Assembly’s Prayer
Almighty God, we, who are here gathered together, do most humbly beseech Thee, to guide us in all our consultations, so that we may together build a land where knowledge is free, where the mind is without fear, and the head is held high, and where words come from the depth of truth.
Grant us, O God, Thine aid and guidance, so that we may deal justly, with the several causes that come before us, laying aside all private interests, prejudices and personal preferences, so that the result of our counsels may be to the glory of thy Blessed Name, the maintenance of true religion, the preservation of justice, the safety, honour and happiness of the President, and the peace and prosperity of Guyana.
Grant us, O God, the vision so to lead, that all the people of this fair land may enter into that state of brotherhood and unity, where the mind is led forward by thee into everwidening thought and action.
Parliament Corner
14 June, 2018
11 June, 2018
04 June, 2018
28 May, 2018
24 May, 2018